During the massage we use pleasantly warm towels to pamper your entire body. But there actually are some things you can eat that spike the metabolism, trigger hormones that release fat, and eliminate toxins that make it hard for your body to shed unwanted pounds. Toimeained: loodusliku surnumeremuda ekstrakt, looduslik mentool, looduslik kamper, rukki- ja odralinnaste ekstrakt, kontsentreeritud linnase ja humalaekstrakt. Active ingredients of butter as a fairly active effect, it works for several hours after the procedure, contributing to the body shape corrections.
Peale protseduuri, olenevalt keha suurusest, võib mõõtude vähenemine olla 2 kuni 6 cm. Parema tulemuse saavutamiseks on soovituslik kasutada detox- ja krüo-mähiseid koos termomähistega ühes protseduuride kuuris — termomähis mõjutab rasvkoe tihedamat kihti ja parandab vereringet tselluliidist kahjusta-tud kudedes, nö avab tihedama rasva, ning teised mähised aitavad vereringet parandada ja väljutada jääkained.
Soojendav termovõie võimendab mähiste toimet kui katta probleemsed alad esmalt võidega ning seejärel panna mähised peale ja katta kilega.
Puhasta ja koori nahka.
- slimmingwraps – % natural bodycare concept
- SKIN & BODY PERFECTION WRAPS – psoriaasikeskus.ee
Contraindications: open wounds, allergic reaction to components. Cooling effect tones vessel walls and increases skin elasticity, improves process of fat burning and detoxification, accelerates metabolism and removes excess water.
Ideal for facial contours correction. Ingredients: ex-tract of Dead Sea mud, natural menthol, natural camphor, collagen, allantoin, a mixture of natural essential oils: peppermint, green mint and lemon.
B vitamins and mic-roelements contained in malt improve the immune system and body resistance, which is manifested in decrease in incidence of seasonal colds.
Wrappings strengthen joints, warm up muscles, remove muscle tension, a sense of fatigue and, thanks to a mild soothing effect, perfectly relax. Beer wrappings are included in the programs of age-related changes correction, body tonifying, prevention and general health improvement. Ingredients: extract of Dead Sea mud, natural menthol, natural camphor, rye malt, barley malt, concentrated malt-hop extract.
Remove the bandages and apply moisturizing cream if necessary. It is recommended to combine with a lymphatic or other massage. After the procedure depending on body sizea decrease in body volume from 2 to 6 cm is observed. Promotes lipolytic processes in major cells of the adipose tissue where the cellulite occurs, boosting the fatburn process and weightloss. That's right, don't expect to make up for a junk-filled day by noshing on a few fat-burning kale chips.
Professionaalseks kasutamiseks
If you view food as the enemy, this application will introduce you to some foods that might make you change your mind and have them work for you instead of against you. Here is a quick view of the recipes contained in this app: - Creamy Avocado Cups.
This gentle treatment is designed especially for pregnant women and takes in the whole body. To begin, we cleanse the body with a gentle exfoliant that removes dead skin cells and restores the elasticity of the skin. We then wrap the body in a beeswax-based mango mask whose natural ingredients enrich the skin with nutrients and guarantee long-lasting softness.
Body treatments
The result is smooth, glowing skin. The treatment ends with the application of moisturising shea butter to the body, providing a layer of protection for your skin, which will be gently scented and as smooth as silk. That way you can focus on enjoying the wonder that is being an expectant mother!
The mood is set by the luxurious and mystical fragrance of desert plants, warm bags of desert sand are placed on your feet, and the massage begins The warm herbal massage oil is light, but with an intensively moisturising and softening effect, the herbal active ingredients together with vitamins, carbohydrates and amino acids strengthen the natural protection system of the skin cells against aging. The massage consists of traditional techniques in combination with firm and strong stretches and pressings that improve the elasticity of muscles, mobility of joints and frees you from physical and mental stress.