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The Club shall be called the British Estonia 2.

aatomi rasva kaotuse labivaatamine

The objects for which the club is established Club. For the purpose of social intercourse between Britishers and Estonians.

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To form an authoritative body for the dissemina­ tion of valuable information about Great Britain in Estonia and vice versa. To consider and deal with questions relating to Great Britain and Estonia and to render services that will assist and benefit the Members. To provide a meeting place for Members ac­ quainted with or having interests in either or both of the two countries.

To cooperate with any other institution in friendly countries having similar objects to those of the club.


To attain those ends the club has the power to hold meetings for discussing all or any nature of ques­ tions to organise and hold social functions to acquire and have libraries, reading rooms, lectures to publish newspa­ pers journals or periodicals, to have excursions, in brief, to do all such lawful things as are compatible with or con­ ducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.

The headquarters of the above club are linn, where are also the offices of the Committee. The club has a seal and is legally to be consi­ dered a juridicial person, i. The membership of the Club is limited to British and Estonian gentlemen.

Minimaalne rasva protsent kehas

Members for the Club are accepted unanimously by the Committee which constitutes due election. Each candidate for membership shall be proposed by one Mem­ ber of the Club and seconded by another, to one of whom he shall be personally known.

aatomi rasva kaotuse labivaatamine

The names of proposed candidates shall be posted in the Club premises at least fourteen days prior to the date of election, to enable Mem­ bers of the Club to express aatomi rasva kaotuse labivaatamine opinion, where they think fit, to the Committee.

Upon election each new Mem­ ber shall be notified by the Secretary and furnished with a copy of the Statutes and Rules whereupon the amount ot subscription and entrance fee, if any, aatomi rasva kaotuse labivaatamine become due to the Honorary Treasurer.

If such subscription and ent­ rance fee is unpaid for one week from that date the Com­ mittee shall have the power to annul the election.

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The rights and privileges of Members shall be personal and non transferable. Members can be called upon to resign by the Committee.

In addition to ordinary Members the Club has also foreign Members, who have been Members of the Club and have left the country. Such Members are per­ mitted to retain supernumary Membership of the Club without paying annual subscriptions while they are away.

The Committee can further elect such persons as they think eligible to be associate Members. Such associate Members not to be eligable to serve as Officers or on the Committee and shall not have the right to vote at Gene­ ral Meetings.

aatomi rasva kaotuse labivaatamine

A member wishing to discontinue his membership shall give a written notice thereof to the Secretary. Upon the withdrawal of any Member his liability to or interests in the funds of the Club shall cease but he shall pay to the Club all arrears of subscriptions and other amounts due from him. The management of the Club shall be vested in nutrimosti nj kaalulangus General Meeting and the Committee.

The Ordinary General Meetings to be called in the first three months of each year, giving at least fourteen days clear notice of the time and place of the Meeting. Extraordinary General Meetings may be conve­ ned in the same manner at any time of the year upon receiving written request signed by any three Members of the Committee or any 15 Members of the Club.

Milline protsent rasva kehas on terve?

The Commitee may also whenever they think fit convene an Extraordinary General Meet ing. Any requisition made by the Members shall express the object of the meeting pro­ posed to be called and shall be deposited with the Secre­ tary of the Club at its registered office. In case the Committee for 14 days after such deposit fail to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held within 21 days after such deposit, the requisitionists or any other four Members of the Club may themselvea convene a Meeting to be held within six weeks after such deposit.

Every Meeting so convened by Members aatomi rasva kaotuse labivaatamine be conve­ ned for the purpose specified in the requisition and for those purposes only. The quorum for General Meetings to be consi­ dered one quarter of the total of the Members.

The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held at such time and place as may from time to time be prescribed by the Committee. If within half an hour from the time arranged for the Meeting a quorum of Members is not present the Meeting shall be adjourned for at least one week, when it shall be considered in quorum regardless of the number of Members present.

Each Member shall have one vote and no Mem­ ber shall be entitled to vote at any Meeting unless all monies due from him to the Club have been paid. The Officers of the Club consist of the follo­ wing, President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, who are members of the Committee and four other Members of the Commitee three reserve members of the Committee and three Auditors. The number of the members of the Committee is seven.

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The President, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and Auditors shall retire at each Annual General Meeting and are eligible for re-election, and of the rest of the Committee and reserve Members two shall retire at each Annual General Meeting in rotation according to priority of election and are eligible for re-election. The original Members of the Committee retire by ballot.

aatomi rasva kaotuse labivaatamine

Members of the Committee must be proposed by one Member of the Club and seconded by another and thereafter balloted for, those for whom the biggest number of votes are cast will be considered as duly elected. There should be three Britishers and three Estonians on the Committee and the President should be alternately British and Estonian but the proportion of representatives of each nationality on the Committee and the nationality of the President can be regulated otherwise by mutual agreement.

The management of the Club and the Club pro­ perty shall be vested in the Committee, three to form a quorum. The Committee may delegate any of their powers to Sub-committees consisting of such Member or Members of their body as they think fit. The sub-committee shall in turn be entitled to co-opt the services of persons who need not necessarily be Members of the Club.

Faili sisu

The Commitee meets together for the despatch of business, can adjourn and regulate their meetings as they think fit. Two members of the Committee may at any time request the Secretary to convene, and he shall upon receipt of such request, convene a meeting of the Com­ mittee.

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Questions arising at any meeting shall be decided by a 6 majority of votes, and in the case of an equality of votes the President shall have a second or casting vote. In the absence of the President the Members of the Committee shall choose some one of their number to be chairman of such Meeting.

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The General Meeting shall elect as reserve Mem­ bers of the Committee three Members of the Club who have aatomi rasva kaotuse labivaatamine to fill vacancies arising in the Committee. The General Meeting shall elect for one year a commission consisting of three Auditors revisors who audit accounts of the Club and control the financial actions and measures taken by the Committee and have power to call together, in case of necessity, an Extraordinary General Meeting. Members may introduce visitors.

No person who has been proposed as a Member and rejected, or expelled shall be admitted as a visitor. These rules may be altered or rescinded by a Special General Meeting called for that purpose or at an Annual General Meeting, provided that the proposed alterations be given to the Secretary in writing before such Meeting.

In the case of a resolution to terminate 'or dis­ solve the Club a vote of three fourths of those present at the General Meeting is required and shall have effect pro­ vided such resolution be confirmed by a majority of the Members present at a second Extraordinary General Mee­ ting to be subsequently convened and held at an interval of not less than fourteen nor more than twenty eight days from the date of the passing of the said resolution.

aatomi rasva kaotuse labivaatamine

The capital and assets of the Club in the aatomi rasva kaotuse labivaatamine of liquidation to be dealt with in accordance with a resolution of the final General Meeting. Mr James Edmond Peter Leslie. Lieutenant Colonel Ronald Forbes Meiklejohn.

Estonian citizens: — John Imant Pitka, partner in the firm Job.