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Samples of blood 43solid tumors 14and feather pulp FP; 36 collected fresh and in Agent mcgee kaalulangus cards were analyzed. Threshold cycle Ct ratios were calculated for each sample by dividing the Ct value of the internal control gene glyceraldehydephosphate dehydrogenase by the Ct value of the MDV gene.

The results show that FTA cards are an excellent media to collect, transport, and archive samples for MD diagnosis and to monitor MD vaccines.

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In addition, FTA cards are widely available, inexpensive, and adequate for the shipment of samples nationally and internationally. The current report describes the anatomopathological and molecular findings of a case of MD in a white-peafowl Pavo cristatus.

The signs included apathy, hyporexia, and diarrhea.

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Grossly, 0. Microscopically, numerous atypical round neoplastic cells were noted. The molecular detection of MDV DNA was implemented to amplify part of the meq gene and products were sequenced for the phylogenetic analysis.

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Template DNA was obtained from tissues of the affected bird and from blood of all the gallinaceous birds of the Zoo. The expected amplicon for the partial amplification of MDV meq gene was obtained and the amplicons were sequenced. Sequences obtained enabled grouping the strain accession no.

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Based on nadala 1 kg kaalulangus anatomopathological and molecular findings, the diagnosis of MD in a white-peafowl was reached, and to the authors' knowledge, no previous report regarding MD was published in Pavo cristatus. Acute, but not latent, MDV infection has previously been shown to lead to downregulation of cell-surface MHC class I Virology —but the gene s involved have not been identified.